Har du latt deg fascinere av Spotifys musikk-anbefalinger?
Denne uken har vi kost oss med en grundig kikk under panseret på selskapets algoritmer, som tar i bruk en rekke kilder for å forsøke å gjette seg til hva slags musikk du vil like å høre.
Exploit and explore!
10 gode om design og teknologi
- The league of evil designers
- Lottie Files: En samling animasjoner
- Shape.so: Customizable, animated icons & illustrations exportable to code
- Apple’s inconsistent ellipsis icons inspire user confusion
- How we keep our content style guide current and use-worthy at Dropbox
- Consentful tech
- Fordelen ved å være data-informert, snarere enn data-drevet
- En React-guide for designere
- Create a website from Google Sheets without writing code
- The obvious UI is often the best UI

Starter podcast om universell utforming
- Norske utviklere må bry seg! mener Anders Ekkje Slettebø bak Universelt Utformet. Nå tester podcasten om de faktisk gjør det.
Universell utforming
- Voice guidance in Maps, built for people with impaired vision
- A Google team is trying to make the company’s products more inclusive
- Blind people can sue retailers if their websites are not accessible
AI, ML og autonomi
- DeepFakes-teknologi kan få slutt på irriterende anonymisering
- California makes “deepfake” videos illegal
- “Move slow and fix things” could be the mantra AI needs
- Toyota’s autonomous pod to transport athletes around Tokyo 2020
- Machine learning deployment:
«This often reminds me of the old joke about the man with a hammer who thinks every problem is a nail — the tech industry has been hitting everything with a hammer to see if it’s an AI problem, or can be made into one. Generally, it is.»
- - Apple’s smart glasses will arrive in the first half of 2020
- PayPal withdraws from Facebook’s libra cryptocurrency …
- Mark Zuckerberg to testify before Congress on libra cryptocurrency
- Nå kommer avgifter på all netthandel fra utlandet — bortsett fra klær.
- Open source: From community to commercialization
- Alibaba’s keyless and cashless hotel is straight out of the future
- De første vinnerne av Patricia Aas-prisen er kåret
- Forbrukerrådet krever enklere oppsigelser av digitale abonnementer
- Utviklere kan faktisk bidra til å redde klimaet
- Cool stuff that’s still completely unregulated
- Rose Eveleth: "Tech people tell us facial recognition, smart diapers, and surveillance devices as inevitable evolutions. They’re not.
- - Why you shouldn’t believe tech companies
- If you have a Smart TV or IoT devices, your home is leaking data
- Data detox kit

Bli med å gjøre jobben din bedre!
Endelig er vi klare med en ny Kodeløkka-undersøkelse. Og du kan vinne kodekopper! 😻
- McKinsey: The helix organisation; the benefits of separating people-leadership tasks from day-to-day business leadership
- HBR: Are you developing skills that won’t be automated?
- A framework for making better product decisions
- 3 keys to effective product roadmapping
- Developing a toolkit for strategic foresight
- Following-fanen forsvinner på Instagram. Stalking blir vanskeligere.
- The two companies that place all those terrible ads at the bottom of webpages … are merging
- Apple’s new Mac update is out, and iTunes is finally dead
Fint og morsomt
- A collection of weird and/or novel ways to do web UIs (for eksempel productchart.com)
- Startup Lingo Bingo
- Dogs in action (se ukens logo)

Trenger vi flere kvinner i tech-bransjen, eller flere kvinner som koder?
"Du trenger ikke å senke lista for kvinnelige utviklere – de er mer enn flinke nok allerede – det er bare ikke mange nok å ta av".